Whatcha Watching? with Jamie and Bo: Ep 12: Major League Sadness

In a rare moment of serendipity, we actually watched a lot of the same movies this time around. We celebrate Jamie’s anniversary and talk a bunch of new releases, as well as plenty of off-topic chatter about the new Kids in the Hall and how weird it is Dave Z won’t watch Ted Lasso because of the last name…
00:00:00 – Show Open
00:05:15 – Jackass Forever
00:15:08 – Firestarter (2022)
00:19:20 – Firestarter (2022) Spoilers
00:25:42 – The Northman
00:34:16 – The Sadness
00:49:38 – The Giant Spider Invasion
00:54:40 – We’re the Millers
You can join the discussion live on Sundays at 5pm CST at YouTube.com/LegionPodcasts and you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here, Stitcher, Spotify, Amazon Music and Audible, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Google Podcasts, and anywhere fine podcasts are found!
Thank you so much for listening and talk to you all in a month!
- (00:00) - Show Open
- (05:15) - Jackass Forever
- (15:08) - Firestarter (2022)
- (19:20) - Firestarter (2022) Spoilers
- (25:42) - The Northman
- (34:16) - The Sadness
- (49:38) - The Giant Spider Invasion
- (54:40) - We're the Millers
Creators and Guests