The Dark Parade: Found Footage Fool #30: The Unknowable

The cosmic eye of the Found Footage Fool falls on the YouTube series The Unknowable. Directed by The Den’s Zachary Donohue, a family runs afoul of some ethereal gleep-glops and a serial killer called “The Clown with no Makeup.” Also, lots of public domain! Is it worth your time? Find out, and check it out yourself right here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here, Stitcher, Spotify, Amazon Music and Audible, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Google Podcasts, and anywhere fine podcasts are found! You can find all the episodes right here and say hello on Facebook or Twitter or Discord!

The cosmic eye of the Found Footage Fool falls on the YouTube series The Unknowable. Directed by The Den’s Zachary Donohue, a family runs afoul of some ethereal gleep-glops and a serial killer called “The Clown with no Makeup.” Also, lots of public domain! Is it worth your time? Find out, and check it out yourself right here.

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes hereStitcherSpotifyAmazon Music and AudibleiHeartRadioPodchaserGoogle Podcasts, and anywhere fine podcasts are found!

You can find all the episodes right here and say hello on Facebook or Twitter or Discord!

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Creators and Guests

Bo Ransdell
Bo Ransdell
The writer of Lost After Dark and podcast host with the most brings The Dark Parade to your town – a horror podcast with many attractions. The show starts when the sun goes down…
The Dark Parade: Found Footage Fool #30: The Unknowable
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